Multiplier Event 1 - Invitation
We are delighted to invite businesses, civil society and adult education sectors, students, academics,
teachers, to take part to the event "Embracing change in educating business, engineering and entrepreneurship
students:from teacher- centered to student-centered learning – an intercultural view", organized through the
ERASMUS+ project 2017-1-RO01-KA203-037145 - „Innovative Student-Centred Learning (SCL) Practices fueled
with ITC-tools and university – industry cooperation towards reinforcement of Business & Engineering
Entrepreneurships education – ”InoLearn 4 BEEs”.
The 1st multiplier event, jointly organized by the Technical University of Kosice and University Politehnica of
Bucharest targets to fertilize the Slovakian business, education, labor market ... read more...
Touto cestou pozývame firmy, verejnosť, inštitúcie pre vzdelávanie dospelých, študentov, akademickú obec a učiteľov, aby sa zúčastnili tohto podujatia organizovaného v rámci projektu ERASMUS+ 2017-1-RO01-KA203-037145 – „Skúsenosti s inovatívnym vzdelávaním orientovaným na študenta (SCL) s podporou IKT nástrojov a spolupráce univerzity s praxou smerom k posilneniu vzdelávania v oblasti Obchodu a Podnikania v oblasti Technických vied – „InoLearn 4 BEEs”.... read more...