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Foreseen Multiplication Events in the Project 

The First Multiplier Event

  • held in Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia,

  • will support the dissemination of personalized solutions for the educational processes used in the fields of

    • business,

    • engineering and

    • entrepreneurship education.


The Second Multiplier Event

  • organized by the Agence Universitaire from Francophonie, Romania,

  • will be developed

    • to disseminate the results of the intercultural knowledge resources

      • embedded in innovative student-centered learning practices.


The Third Multiplier Event

  • held in the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Bulgaria,  

  • will be developed to disseminate results of innovative student-centered learning practices in

    • interdisciplinary and

    • intercultural approaches

of learning experiences through ITC tools.


The Fourth Multiplier Event

  • conducted by the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland,  

will aim to disseminate

  • the results of consortium activities

    • on documented

      • lessons and

      • best practices,

      • survey results, and the

  • Best Practice Handbook for Intercultural Student Centred Learning Practices.

Interviews with students from Partner P5 - TUKE

Interviews with students from Partner P1 - UPB

Project Results Shared

The partners shared the project results beyond the partnership through 3 articles disseminated and presented in international referred sources:


1) The 5th Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on  SOCIAL SCIENCES & ARTS SGEM, August  2018, Bulgaria, article ²Process Model to Improve the Effectiveness of Educational Organization through Student Centered Learning (SCL) Practices², author Bogdan FLEACA,  University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania,


2) The 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 2020, article ²Fostering the innovative university student-centred learning by application of ICT tools together with stakeholders: a project methodology overview², ; DOI: 10.1109/EEAE49144.2020.9279026


Svilen KUNEV

University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Ruse, Bulgaria



University Politehnica, Bucharest, Romania


Diana Antonova

University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Ruse, Bulgaria


Radovan DRÁB

Technical University of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia


3) Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Articol: ²Student-centered e-learning approach Project InoLearn4BEEs - Case for Business & Engineering Entrepreneurship education²,  Issue 10, Year X, November' 2018,

Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation




Monika Jakubiak

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland


Bogdan FLEACĂ,  

University Politehnica, Bucharest, Romania

Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
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